Saturday, March 7, 2015

Homemade Fabric Softener


Being a broke college student, I went searching for ways to save money. I am not going to waste your time telling you the back story, but all you need is three ingredients: water, vinegar, and your favorite conditioner. I have been making this for years and it smells amazing!

I do it the lazy way (don't measure) and I just put a good amount of water in a pan with the stove on high, then add a good amount of white distilled vinegar, and lastly add conditioner (normally three containers of the 75 cent conditioner from Walmart). The vinegar makes the clothes soft, but I hate the smell. So I add conditioner to get the smell I want.

The "official" recipe is:
2 cups of hair conditioner
3 cups of distilled white vinegar
6 cups boiling or hot water

Stir together and let it cool! That's all you have to do.

If you are like me, just go with your gut. I use more conditioner because I love the smell of strawberries, plus its only 75 cents!

And here comes the MEGA MONEY SAVER part!

This "fabric softener" can also be used for many other things!! Such as fabric refresher, wrinkle releaser, and dryer sheets! You're welcome.

Fabric Refresher:
Once again, I don't follow a recipe. I just put some fabric softener in, some baking soda, and then some water. Then shake! Be careful though, this can be a mess if you're not careful. Just make sure you add the water slowly! If you're one of those people that needs to know exactly how much, look below.

The "official" recipe:
1/8 cup of Fabric Softener
2 Tablespoons of Baking Soda
Fill the rest of the bottle with hot water
Then Shake

Wrinkle Releaser:
Wrinkle releaser and fabric softener can be used as the same thing. Fabric Refresher recipe works amazing as a wrinkle releaser due to the fabric softener; however, the baking soda neutralizes smells so if you want your clothes to smell better do the same recipe, but leave the baking soda out of it.

Dryer sheets:
This is my all time favorite money saver (plus it is better for the environment)! All you need to do is to cut up some sponges and soak them in fabric softener, squeeze them out, then throw a couple in the dryer. Makes your clothes smell even better!

Have fun!!!

Dryer Sheets.. or should I say Dryer Sponges?

Another way to save money is by shopping through Ebates! Check it out! You earn cash back with every purchase!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Single Me.

Single. Holy guacamole, I am single.

Just the simple thought of being single use to scare the living mess out of me. “I’M SINGLE!! I AM GOING TO DIE ALONE!! OH MY GOODNESS!” Pitiful, right? Well, I have realized that a lot of girls think this way whether they want to admit it or not. I have recently been single for the longest time in my life, 3 whole months. I use to jump in and out of relationships so quickly; it is not even funny, but kind of embarrassing. I have been so dependent on finding someone to entertain me and to make me happy, when in reality; I am the one who needed to make myself happy. The reason why I have never truly fallen in love is because I wasn't even in love with myself. I fully believe that in order to fall in love, you have to fall in love with yourself first. “Love myself? I already do.” See, that is what I also thought until my friend pointed it out to me. I hated the way I looked. I hated the way that God made me. Why do I have such wide hips, why do I have such wide shoulders, why can’t I be skinny all over, why can’t I look exactly like her? We want to look like these girls in magazines, when we all don’t have that body type and if a guy expects you to look like that, then girl you need to kick his sorry tail to the curb. You are too beautiful for his nonsense. Looks like I got off on a tangent a little bit there, sorry for that. My point is, I had to learn how to love myself and I started by learning how to love my body. I want to love every curve God gave me, every jiggle that fatty foods gave me, and every scar that life and sports gave me. I want to love myself. I want to be my own kind of Beautiful. Being single no longer scares me, it is liberating. It was scary at first because I had no clue what to do without someone by my side. I truly felt so lonely, but then I realized that I am not ever alone, God is by my side. I don’t need a man to make me happy, I can make myself happy. Being single has allowed me to find out who I really am and I have to say, I am truly amazing. Just saying.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pizza Box into Home Decor

Are you a broke college student, or just broke? Because, if you are... I have one CHEAP decoration you can make for your dorm room. All you need is to eat some pizza. I made this out of a pizza box and other random items that we had laying around. It literally cost me nothing, besides the pizza. Okay, enough talking, this is what I did.
  1. Get a pizza box. Cut it in half, then cut the sides off. Be careful when cutting the sides off because we will use them later. So you should have two squares and a bunch of rectangles from the sides.
  2. Hot glue the two squares together so that way you have a nice thick base.
  3. Paint! Paint the cardboard whatever you want. I did a pink background, then when the pink dried I splattered different colored paint on it. I just went all splatter happy. This will be the color of your letters.
  4. After the paint dried, I used the blue painters tape to outline my letters. I did block letters since it was easier. Just lay the tape on the board however you want, you can do letters or design. Make sure you leave at least an inch for the fake frame that will be added on later.
  5. After that, I painted over the tape and the whole board black.
  6. Pick four of the rectangles to create the frame. I painted each piece black, but you can do whatever you want.
  7. After all the paint dries, remove the tape on the board and BAM you have your cool letters and then hot glue the rectangles on the board to create the fake frame.
  8. I added random left over buttons just to add a little dazzle to the frame. I also attempted to do a glittered heart, but kind of messed up. haha.
  9. Next step was to get a piece of left over ribbon and hot glue it to the back so you can easily hang it up!
Here is the finish product. Just have fun, be creative, and just be you! :) xoxo

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Forgive You.

Dear Prince Douche,
I am writing this because I need to forgive you for everything you did to me in order for me to move on to bigger and better things. Because of you, I am pushing away great guys in my life because for some reason, I think they are going to end up just like you. Guess what, I am done thinking that because I am about to forgive you for everything. I want to literally punch the stupid out of you, but I can’t do that without going to jail, plus I would be there all day kicking your ass because that is A LOT of stupid. I am done, Prince Douche, I am.
I forgive you for saying that I was a problem and that I should fix my personality. I forgive you for changing who I was. I forgive myself for letting you change me. I forgive you for all those times that you called me a “bitch” just because I disagreed with you and stated my own personal opinion. I forgive you for calling me “stupid”, “dumb”, “no common sense”, “idiot”. I forgive myself for believing you. I work my butt off at college and I have a great GPA that has landed me a lot of rewards and scholarships, so I am not as stupid as you think. I forgive you for all those times that you made me walk back to my place by myself in the middle of the night. I forgive myself for not calling my friends to come pick me up because I was too ashamed that you refused to give me a ride. I forgive you for not even caring if I got back safe or not. I forgive you for all those times that you yelled and screamed at me when I never even deserved that behavior from you. I forgive you for cussing me out multiple times. I forgive you for calling me a “bitch” just because I had my own opinion and disagreed with yours. I forgive you for making me miss church because you didn't like certain people who went there. I forgive myself for allowing you to have that control over me. I forgive you for making me walk out of church that one time because you had a little fit because one of my friends gave me a high five. I forgive you for calling me a “show off” just because I got awards. I worked my butt off for those and I deserved them. I forgive you for calling me a fake Christian. I know I am not perfect, but I know that Jesus is my Savior. I forgive you for saying what you said about my parents, honestly, you can fuck off about that. I forgive you for that time you almost left me at Waffle House.
Most importantly, I forgive you for calling me ugly. When you told me that I was the ugliest girl you have ever dated, I should have kicked your ass right then and there, and I forgive myself for not doing that. I forgive you for calling me fat. Sorry that I don’t look like the porn stars that you love to watch every night. I forgive myself for being that I was ugly and I was fat, when in reality, I am not. I forgive you for saying I am worthless. I forgive myself for believing it. . I thought you would change, like you said you were, but you never did. I forgive you Prince Douche, but most importantly I forgive myself.
I will say sorry about a few things. Sorry for what I said after I found those text messages on your phone. I am sorry for calling you an asshole, even though I believe you are. Well, that is pretty much all I have to be sorry for.

Prince Douche, I hope you have a great rest of your life. I can promise you one thing, I will never date you again and I will never talk to you again. I didn't deserve anything you put me through, and you know that. You are an ass. You pretended to be a Prince at the beginning, but then you turned into such a douche bag... hence the name that I gave you, Prince Douche. This is my final goodbye to you. I forgive you, Prince Douche. Now I am moving on with my life and I am going to go find my Prince Charming. GOOD BYE.
A girl that you lied to.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Some creative ideas for a college room

This is kind of embarrassing, but I am going to show you pictures of my actually room at college. Yes, I know I am messy.. but I am trying to work on it! ;) Sorry again for the mess... but if you think that your room is going to be SPOTLESS everyday at college.... I have some news for you! Life happens especially when you are a student athlete . yes.. I am using that as my excuse for the mess.. Here are some photos of my decoration ideas.

This is a cheap picture frame from dollar tree,
I put glittered construction paper as the back ground
and use the glass part as a white board! I change the
message every week. This week it is "Be yourself".
One of my favorite quotes.
Making your own posters is a great way
to make your room unique!

Hanging a ribbon and paper clipping photos on it! In my case
I put funny quotes on my ribbon! Oh.. and the poster board
is really cool!! so sparkly!!! Yes, I have a problem
No matter how bad your handwriting is, you
can still make it!

Magazine cover and a college, I put it in a
paper protector so I can reuse the collage and cover
next year!

this has literally saved my academic life!
I am famous for saying, "yes, no work today!"
then I look at my calendar and I get disappointed.
This is a dry erase board calendar and it is great!

This tiedie is from a $1 table cloth at walmart.. I cut it out and
made it a strip on my wall! Also, if you do this
make sure you buy double sided tape!!

I am famous for doing the after Christmas sales, especially for ornaments! I saw this garland on sale and I bought it and use it for decoration! It is a nice touch to any window, especially when the light hits it and makes your room sparkle!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Homemade Laundry Soap

Hey everyone! People have been asking me about my homemade laundry detergent that I use, so I have decided to share the.. uhh.. ingredients? Sorry, that sounds weird. Let me start off by saying that this is REALLY cheap to make and works just like all the other brands. My clothes smell and look great, gets rid of stains like grass, dirt, blood, etc., and did I mention that it is cheap? Since I am not at home, I can't show you step-by-step photos, but I will do my best to describe and I promise that the next time I am home I will take step-by-step photos. I did a lot of research because my family was going through some rough times with money and this has helped us save SO MUCH money! I also make my own hand soap and dish soap as well, but that is for another post.
Okay, well here is my story. I started off trying different recipes and making liquid laundry detergent.. which.. don't get me wrong, it was fun and a challenge to make.. but storing it was a HUGE problem. So this right here is powdered laundry soap and it is SUPER easy to make!
Steps to making CHEAP laundry soap!

  • You need Borax, Super Washing Soda, Fels-Naptha Soap, and if you want it to smell good pick up some Purex Crystals as well. 

  • I would buy at least 4 bars of Fels-Naptha soap so that way you won't have to make another batch for a long time.
  • Some things that you need are a cheese grater, Food Processor (optional), bowl, a measuring cup, and a container to put the soap in.
  • First thing you are going to do is to grate the Fels-Naptha soap just like cheese.. WARNING!! It actually looks like cheese so make sure no one in your household eats it if you leave it out.
  • After you grate the cheese.. I mean Fels-Naptha soap.. I like to put the grated soap into my food processor so I can break it down even more. That way it will be similar texture to the washing soda and borax. Also to make sure I have equal amounts of everything. After chopping up the soap, it should look smaller and almost similar to a powder.
  • Now after processing the soap you need to measure 1 cup of the Fels-Naptha soap, 1 cup of Borax, and 1 cup of Washing soda. Pour all three ingredients into a container or bowl and stir thoroughly. Should look something like this.

  • Now if you decided to buy the Purex Crystals, pour a cap full into the mixture and stir again.
  • That was easy.
  • Now if you want more, Repeat! Easy as pie, right?
Here is a picture of mine (Sorry for the poor pictures)
One scoop per wash!
This is the Container I have.
This is what my soap looks like.
  • The scoop that I use says it is 29.6 CC- 1 oz. It came with the container that I have. The container use to hold something similar to protein powder, I think. haha.
  • Enjoy this recipe and I promise that once I have to make some more, I will take my own photos of me doing it so you can see. If you have any trouble or questions let me know!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Not Getting Enough Water?

I have a problem with drinking water. For one, water is freaking tasteless.. it is like drinking air or something.. but besides that water is good for you and is a must especially if you are physically active.. so.. if you have trouble drinking the recommended amount of water everyday then maybe you should try this.. I am a VERY competitive person so I know that if I challenge myself then I will do it. weird right? So everyday I challenge myself to take off the rubber bands off my water bottle.. every time I fill it up, I take a rubber band off.. brilliant right? Well, it has been working for me so why not give it a try?
My Water Bottle